Dineika Chandrananda

I undertook my PhD with A/Prof. Melanie Bahlo, Dr. Natalie Thorne and Prof. Terry Speed at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute within the University of Melbourne.

My PhD project utilized whole-genome sequencing of maternal plasma to investigate biological characteristics of cell-free DNA. Insights gained into cell-free DNA features were used in sensitive corrections to minimize the coverage biases found in the high throughput data in order to accurately detect fetal trisomy. I subsequently implemented parts of my PhD research in a screening test offered by the Victorian Clinical Genetics Service in Australia.

I joined the Rosenfeld group in the CRUK Cambridge Institute as a Research Associate in October of 2015. I am interested in non-invasively monitoring different types of cancer as well as researching the biological characteristics of cell-free DNA stemming from tumors. My research goal is to develop more accurate diagnostic tools for early detection and monitoring of tumor DNA.